Enabling touch for today's digital world.

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Afference enables seamless tactile experiences between the digital and physical worlds.

Afference Technology

Neural Haptics

Neural haptics enable transparent, mobile, universal wearables for tactile feedback.
The Afference Ring is a reference design for creating neural haptics in wearables like rings and watches.  Based on decades of research from world-leading neural engineers, neural haptics creates sensation across the finger and hand without covering the skin.
An innovation awards for 2024 at CES
An image of a grey smart ring that is using Afference's technology
Solid state actuator with no moving parts
Neural haptics create sensations away from the wearable, a novel phenomenon called Referred Sensation.
Neural haptics provide the smallest, lightest, and lowest power consumption of any haptic actuator.
An image of a grey smart ring that is using Afference's technology

How it Works


Use any device.

We are neuroscientists who create artificial sensations based on decades of research in neural interfaces. Now, you can feel experiences from any device.
VR, AR, and MR
VR Icon in white
Game Consoles
A white icon of a game controller
An icon of a tv screen
Phone icon in white
A laptop computer icon in white
An icon representing all devices

Wirelessly connect.

A wireless bluetooth connection allows you to move untethered to any devices while navigating digital worlds.
Bluetooth icon in white
3 - Our Technology

Feel digital objects.

Neural Haptics creates artificial sensations without pressing on your skin. Now, you can feel things you have never felt before.
An icon of a hand wearing a blue glowing glove

Create artificial touch.

The information provided by the neural haptic creates Artificial Touch where your brain feels virtual interactions.
An icon of a persons brainAn icon of a persons head


Transparent –
Move Freely.
Freely interact with both the digital and physical worlds.
Mobile –
Go Anywhere.
Take it with you any place, at any time.
Universal –
Connect to Anything.
From mobile games on your phone to VR experiences in a headset to movies on your TV, the possibilities are endless.


Can you recreate touch?

Afference’s technology is best described as Artificial Touch. Just like virtual reality headsets create an artificial visual field, Afference neural haptics create an artificial version of the natural touch we experience in everyday life. We are building upon decades of scientific know-how so that one day it could be indecipherable from natural touch.

Are Neural Haptics safe?

Yes, the techniques implemented at Afference are based on medical-grade neuromodulation methods. The electrical information used causes the neural activity but does not harm the surrounding tissues whatsoever.

What does it feel like?

The feeling is similar to a buzzing or tingling surrounding the wearable, similar to the way vibration causes a buzzing sensation on the skin. Neural haptics can be patterned similar to the way different ring tones or alerts are created on your phone.

Where do you feel it?

Neural haptics create sensation both underneath the wearable and away from it. For example, a neural haptic ring can create sensation from the ring to the fingertip. This “referred” sensation is unique to neural haptics.

How does this work with my brain?

Your brain feels sensation when electrical signals are received from your skin. We “hack” the wires connecting your skin to your brain and add new information. Then, the brain feels things that aren’t there.

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Interested in learning more about Afference's technology? Get in touch with our team to learn more and about partnership opportunities.
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